
Piemontite Meaning and Properties

Piemontite is sometimes wrongly described as a deep red version of another mineral, called epidote, that contains a specific type of manganese Despite its name, most piemontite specimens ...

Oregon Opal Meaning and Properties

Oregon Opal Meaning and Properties

Opal is a hydrated silica mineral that comprises microscopic spheres of silica that are bound together with water and silica. There are two forms of Opal, common and precious. The latter exhibits ...

Fire Opal Meaning and Properties

Fire opals, with their scintillating hues and mesmerizing depths, are more than just gemstones; they are nature's fiery artistry crystallized over millennia. These vibrant stones capture the essence ...


This banded variety of chalcedony isn't just known for its stunning array of colors; it's a geological wonder formed within the heart of volcanic and metamorphic rocks. Picture this: intricate ...

Emoche ᛜ Gemstones & Jewelry