
Rainbow Moonstone Meaning and Properties

Rainbow Moonstone Meaning and Properties

Rainbow Moonstone, enchantingly known as White Labradorite, isn't just any gemstone; it's a spectacle of light and color. Despite its name suggesting a kinship with the traditional Moonstone, this ...

Fluorite Meaning and Properties

Fluorite, often referred to as "the most colorful mineral in the world," is a vibrant and versatile mineral that has captivated the attention of individuals across various fields, from gem ...

Chalcopyrite Meaning and Properties

Often mistaken for fool's gold, this semi-precious stone is much more than a mere doppelganger for the precious metal. It's a guardian of deep secrets, a beacon of transformative energy, and a ...

Angel Aura Quartz Meaning and Properties

Angel Aura Quartz, also known as Opal Aura or Aura Lite, results from a thrilling fusion of natural Quartz and a cocktail of precious metals. The spellbinding iridescence of Angel Aura Quartz ...

Aura Quartz Meaning and Properties

Aura Quartz, also known as Mystic or Rainbow Quartz, is treated natural quartz with a fascinating iridescent surface. The surface modification involves high-tech processes and a variety of ...

Peacock Ore Meaning and Properties

Bornite is a unique colorful gem with interesting facts, mineralogy, and properties. Bornite is also known as Peacock Ore. Below is an outline of Peacock Ore's history, mineralogy, and properties, ...

Ethiopian Opal Meaning and Properties

Ethiopian Opal has been a favorite among gem sellers and gem lovers for years. This is perhaps due to its rarity and ridiculously lower prices than Australian opals and other select gemstones. Such ...

Boulder Opal Meaning and Properties

Boulder Opal History This gemstone was first discovered in 1869 in Blackall town in central Queensland, Australia. while there were several discoveries in the 1870s, boulder opal was only ...

Mystic Topaz

Mystic Topaz is a relatively new gem, first seen in 1998, known for its unique rainbow color effect. This gemstone is not a type on its own but is an enhanced or treated colorless topaz. The ...

Emoche ᛜ Gemstones & Jewelry