6.5 ᛜ Hard

Rainbow Moonstone Meaning and Properties

Rainbow Moonstone Meaning and Properties

Rainbow Moonstone, enchantingly known as White Labradorite, isn't just any gemstone; it's a spectacle of light and color. Despite its name suggesting a kinship with the traditional Moonstone, this ...

Merlinite Meaning and Properties

Imagine a molten brew, deep underground. It's a mix of silicate-rich liquids and manganese oxide, all swirling and bubbling in the intense heat. As time passes and conditions change, this brew ...

Menalite Meaning and Properties

Menalite Meaning and Properties

Menalite is a naturally occurring, calcium-rich material. It was formed in Quaternary deposits in lakes by receding glaciers. Its characteristic smooth, rounded irregular shapes are a result ...

Maw Sit Sit Meaning and Properties

Maw Sit Sit is a mesmerizing gemstone that captivates with its deep green and black hues. Often mistaken for jade, this exquisite gem has carved its niche in the world of precious stones with its ...

Magnetite Meaning and Properties

With its chemical formula of Fe3O4, this iron oxide mineral is more than a mere rock; it's the cornerstone of our civilization's development. Found abundantly in various types of rocks like igneous, ...

Yellow Jasper Meaning and Properties

Welcome to the vibrant and mystical world of Yellow Jasper, a gemstone that has captivated civilizations across the globe for centuries. Revered as a symbol of protection and wisdom, Yellow Jasper's ...

Red Jasper Meaning and Properties

Red Jasper is a vibrant gemstone belonging to the Chalcedony mineral class, a subset of quartz, known for its deep, earthy red hues that range from bright red to brownish red. This opaque stone ...

Ocean Jasper Meaning and Properties

Ocean Jasper Meaning and Properties

Ocean Jasper is a form of Orbicular Jasper and is only found in Madagascar. It is multi-colored in shades of white, pink, green, red, brown, and black. Markings vary greatly but include "polka ...

Kambaba Jasper Meaning and Properties

Kambaba Jasper, often referred to as Crocodile Jaspe, Kabamba Stone or Star Galaxy Jasper, is a captivating gemstone from Madagascar, shrouded in mystery and intrigue. Despite common misconceptions ...

Dalmatian Jasper Meaning and Properties

Dalmatian Jasper, often known as Dalmatian Stone, is not just a gemstone; it's a piece of Earth's puzzle, a token from the wild terrains of Mexico. Imagine holding a piece of the cosmos, dotted with ...

Bumble Bee Jasper Meaning and Properties

Welcome to the fascinating world of Bumblebee Jasper, a mesmerizing gemstone that captures the essence and beauty of nature's artistry. Discovered in the 1990s within the fiery depths of Papandayan ...

Lemurian Jade Meaning and Properties

Welcome to the fascinating world of Lemurian Jade! This gemstone has captivated the hearts of many with its striking black hue, often speckled with golden Pyrite inclusions. This makes Lemurian Jade ...

Green Jade Meaning and Properties

Green Jade, a gemstone rich in history and lore, stands as a testament to the intertwining of nature's artistry with human culture. Revered across civilizations, Jade's alluring beauty and mystical ...

Healers Gold Meaning and Properties

Healer's Gold, a natural amalgamation of pyrite and magnetite, owes its formation to diverse geological processes. Pyrite's cubic crystal structure and gold-like luster combine with magnetite's ...


Epidote is a captivating gemstone with a dual personality in the realm of mineralogy! On one hand, the term "Epidote Group" refers to a family of silicate minerals with shared structural and ...

Girasol Meaning and Properties

Welcome to the enchanting world of Girasol Quartz, a gem that's not just a stone but a spectacle of light and mystery. Picture this: a crystal so pure and clear, yet dancing with a bluish-white ...

Rhodolite Garnet Meaning and Properties

Welcome to the enchanting world of Rhodolite, a gemstone that's not just a feast for the eyes but a balm for the soul! Imagine holding a piece of the sunset, its rose-pink to red hues dancing in ...

Black Garnet Meaning and Properties

The Andradite Garnet Family Dive into the Dazzling World of Andradite Andradite, a sparkling member of the Garnet family, isn't just your ordinary gemstone; it's a symphony of colors! Imagine ...

Emoche ᛜ Gemstones & Jewelry