6.5 ᛜ Hard

Pietersite Meaning and Properties

Pietersite, often hailed as the tempest stone, is more than just a mineral; it's a whirlwind of beauty and mystery. This commercial term for a unique variety of Chalcedony is not just any decorative ...

Piemontite Meaning and Properties

Piemontite is sometimes wrongly described as a deep red version of another mineral, called epidote, that contains a specific type of manganese Despite its name, most piemontite specimens ...

Peristerite Meaning and Properties

Peristerite's eye-catching iridescence is a result of the intricate process of exsolution, which occurs during the slow cooling of igneous rocks. As the rock cools, the sodium-rich albite and ...

Violet Flame Opal Meaning and Properties

Violet Flame Opal, also known as Morado Opal, is a mesmerizing variety of opal found in central Mexico. The purple coloration of this opal is due to tiny fluorite inclusions. Despite the ...

Oregon Opal Meaning and Properties

Oregon Opal Meaning and Properties

Opal is a hydrated silica mineral that comprises microscopic spheres of silica that are bound together with water and silica. There are two forms of Opal, common and precious. The latter exhibits ...

Fire Opal Meaning and Properties

Fire opals, with their scintillating hues and mesmerizing depths, are more than just gemstones; they are nature's fiery artistry crystallized over millennia. These vibrant stones capture the essence ...

Andean Opal Meaning and Properties

The Andean or Peruvian Opal, named after the Andes Mountains in South America, boasts a diverse palette of colors, including the elusive blue and charming pink. Hailing from the Andes, these ...

Banded Onyx Meaning and Properties

Banded Onyx, a mesmerizing gemstone, is nature's canvas, painted in rich, contrasting colors and patterns. This article delves deep into the heart of this captivating stone, exploring its geological ...

Labradorite Meaning and Properties

Introduction to Labradorite Labradorite, a stone known for its mystical properties, has fascinated people for centuries. Originating from the lore of the Inuit people, it is believed to have ...

Orange Kyanite Meaning and Properties

Orange Kyanite Meaning and Properties

Sparkling under the sun, the Orange Kyanite captures hearts with its captivating, golden orange hues. What's unique about this gem is not only its enchanting color but also the story behind its ...

Green Kyanite Meaning and Properties

Green Kyanite forms under metamorphic conditions, its color influenced by chromium and vanadium. This gemstone is a member of the aluminosilicate mineral family, sporting a bladed crystal ...

Blue Kyanite Meaning and Properties

Kyanite, a blue aluminosilicate mineral, originates from aluminium-rich metamorphic pegmatites and sedimentary rocks. It is known for its anisotropic nature with varying hardness depending on ...

Kyanite Meaning and Properties

Kyanite is a unique and striking blue aluminosilicate mineral that can tell us a lot about the geological conditions under which it was formed. One of the defining characteristics of kyanite is ...

Australian Kunzite Meaning and Properties

Australian Kunzite Meaning and Properties

Understanding Kunzite Origins and Discovery Let's take a trip back to the early 1900s, a time when the world was buzzing with new discoveries. Picture this: George Frederick Kunz, a gem ...

Luxullianite Meaning and Properties

Luxullianite is a rare type of granite containing pinkish-red Orthoclase and dark blue to black Tourmaline needles. It is named for Luxulyan, Cornwall, England, UK, where it is found in a ...

Llanite Meaning and Properties

Llanite Meaning and Properties

Known by the intriguing name Que Sera, Llanite stands out as a porphyritic rhyolite, enchanting all who behold it with its stunning mix of blue quartz and perthitic feldspar. A treasure among ...

Nzuri Moyo Meaning and Properties

Nzuri Moyo Meaning and Properties

Ever stumbled upon something so rare and beautiful that it feels like a secret whisper from the earth? That's exactly what happened with the discovery of Nzuri Moyo, a gemstone so unique it can only ...

Mtorolite Meaning and Properties

Mtorolite Meaning and Properties

Mtorolite, also known as Chrome Chalcedony or Aquaprase, is a unique green gemstone, colored by chromium. It was a popular choice for jewelry and seals during the Roman Empire. Rediscovered ...

Emoche ᛜ Gemstones & Jewelry