Number 9

List of Crystals with Numerical Vibration: 9

Hematoid Calcite

Hematoid Calcite forms under unique conditions, where hematite and calcite coexist. The presence of hematite lends Hematoid Calcite its fiery red to rust hues. This mineral is a spectacular ...

White Chalcedony Meaning and Properties

White Chalcedony forms as a result of geological processes involving silicification of volcanic rock or other sedimentary rocks. It belongs to the quartz family, known for its microcrystalline ...

Yellow Chalcedony Meaning and Properties

Yellow Chalcedony, like its other colorful counterparts, is a microcrystalline variety of quartz. That's a mouthful, but it essentially means it's made up of tiny, tiny quartz crystals that are so ...

Brown Chalcedony Meaning and Properties

Brown Chalcedony is a microcrystalline form of quartz, featuring stunning shades of brown. Its formation is a fascinating geological process that involves several factors such as temperature, ...

Red Chalcedony Meaning and Properties

Red Chalcedony, including varieties such as Carnelian and Jasper, is a product of geological processes occurring over millions of years. Formation involves the deposition of silica from ...

Green Chalcedony Meaning and Properties


Green Chalcedony forms from microscopic quartz crystals laid down in layers. Its striking green color often comes from trace amounts of other minerals. The Birth of a Gemstone: How Green ...

Chinese Fluorite

Chinese Fluorite is a stunning mineral, showcasing a spectrum of colors that can rival a rainbow. The formation of Fluorite is a fascinating geological process that involves the interplay of ...

Phantom Fluorite

Phantom Fluorite's captivating patterns result from changes in environmental conditions during crystal growth. This fluorite variant spans a spectrum of colors, often showcased within its ...

Red Fluorite

The formation of red fluorite is linked to impurities and radiation exposure, which gives it its signature hue. Red fluorite is known for its cubical or octahedral shapes, indicating the ...

Orange Fluorite

Fluorite, the most colorful mineral in the world, is renowned for its vibrant hues, with orange fluorite being a particularly stunning example. The coloration of fluorite results from ...

Rainbow Aura Quartz

Rainbow Aura Quartz is formed through vacuum deposition, a careful process involving heat, vacuum chambers, and vaporized metals. It involves bonding metals like titanium and niobium to the ...

Chlorite Quartz

Imagine an underground world of fiery molten rock, where intense pressure and heat collide to give birth to fascinating crystal formations. That's where our story of Chlorite Quartz begins. This ...

Violan Meaning and Properties

Violan Meaning and Properties

Welcome to the radiant world of Violane, a gemstone that's as enchanting as it is unique. This manganese-rich variety of diopside is not just another mineral; it's a masterpiece of nature that ...

Sillimanite Meaning and Properties

Sillimanite Meaning and Properties

Sillimanite is not just a gemstone; it's a marvel of nature's artistry, blending the robustness of minerals with an ethereal aesthetic. Commonly sold in two captivating forms: the mystical cat’s eye ...

Ruby Aura Quartz Meaning and Properties

Ruby Aura Quartz is a treated form of natural quartz crystal. Its vibrant red hue is achieved through a vapor deposition process with precious metals. Ruby Aura Quartz shares many properties ...

Rose Aura Quartz Meaning and Properties

Imagine a crystal so dazzling, its vibrant rose hue seems to glow from within, mesmerizing and enchanting all who gaze upon it. This is the captivating allure of Rose Aura Quartz, a new addition to ...

Rhodizite Meaning and Properties

Rhodizite Meaning and Properties

Rhodizite is a rare gemstone, first described in 1834, boasting of significant geological history and intriguing properties. Belonging to the londonite-rhodizite series, Rhodizite is the ...

Emoche ᛜ Gemstones & Jewelry