Number 3

List of Crystals with Numerical Vibration: 3


The Mystical Origins of Amethyst Amethyst, a gemstone captivating hearts with its violet charm, has a name rooted in ancient Greek lore. The term 'amethyst' derives from the Greek words ...

Orange Lace Agate

Welcome to the fascinating world of gemstones and minerals, where every stone tells a story, a testament to the beauty and complexity of our natural world. Today, we delve into a unique gem that's ...

Amethyst Sage Agate

The Amethyst Sage Agate was discovered fairly recently, in the 1990s, by the folks at West Coast Mining. Nestled in the rugged terrains of the Bilk Mountain range near Denio, Nevada, this gemstone ...

Rainbow Calcite

Rainbow Calcite, a calcite variety, boasts an array of hues due to microscopic inclusions of other minerals. This iridescent gem forms in a range of geological environments, primarily ...

Purple Quartz Meaning and Properties

Purple quartz, it's quite the geological marvel, isn't it? This beautiful gemstone doesn't just pop up overnight. No siree, it's the result of a fascinating sequence of geological events that can ...

Black Quartz Meaning and Properties

Quartz, one of the most abundant and diverse minerals on Earth, shows up in a range of forms, and black quartz is no exception. Black quartz isn't just a pretty face—it's got an impressive backstory ...

Lemon Quartz Meaning and Properties

Lemon Quartz, also known as Ouro Verde Quartz, sports a vibrant yellow hue. This color is often the result of an irradiation and heat treatment process. Not all quartz can be made into Lemon ...

Yellow Amethyst Meaning and Properties

Yellow Amethyst, while not an officially recognized term, is often used to refer to heat-treated Amethyst that takes on a yellow hue, similar to Citrine. Quartz, the parent family of Amethyst, ...

Orange Amethyst Meaning and Properties

Orange Amethyst is an intriguing variant of traditional purple amethyst. It's likely created through heat treatment or other modifications.. There's something special about an amethyst ...

Yellow Chalcedony Meaning and Properties

Yellow Chalcedony, like its other colorful counterparts, is a microcrystalline variety of quartz. That's a mouthful, but it essentially means it's made up of tiny, tiny quartz crystals that are so ...

Brown Chalcedony Meaning and Properties

Brown Chalcedony is a microcrystalline form of quartz, featuring stunning shades of brown. Its formation is a fascinating geological process that involves several factors such as temperature, ...

Red Chalcedony Meaning and Properties

Red Chalcedony, including varieties such as Carnelian and Jasper, is a product of geological processes occurring over millions of years. Formation involves the deposition of silica from ...

Black Fluorite

Black Fluorite is a rare and captivating variant of the mineral fluorite, known for its deep, dark color. The formation of Black Fluorite involves a fascinating interplay of geological ...

Chlorite Quartz

Imagine an underground world of fiery molten rock, where intense pressure and heat collide to give birth to fascinating crystal formations. That's where our story of Chlorite Quartz begins. This ...

Cherry Quartz

Cherry Quartz is a mesmerizing, human-made stone known for its vibrant cherry-red to pink hues. Its formation involves a fusion of melted silica and Cinnabar, resulting in a unique, cloud-like ...

Mango Quartz

Mango Quartz, otherwise known as Corona Quartz, is a spectacular variant of quartz, characterized by its striking yellow-tipped crystals. Its rarity and recent discovery in the Boyaca region of ...

Black Amethyst Meaning and Properties

Are you looking for a breathtakingly beautiful gemstone to add a bit of sparkle and luxury to your life? Black amethyst may be a perfect choice. Black Amethyst is a unique, powerful crystal with ...

Red Amethyst Meaning and Properties

Red Amethyst is a stunning gemstone with a deep and vibrant color. It has been used for centuries for its aesthetic value and metaphysical properties, making it one of the most popular gemstones on ...

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