
Included Quartz Meaning and Properties

Included Quartz, also known as Inclusion Quartz or Lodolite, is a mesmerizing creation of nature, formed under specific conditions within the Earth's crust. Quartz, a silicate mineral composed of ...

Harlequin Quartz Meaning and Properties

Harlequin Quartz is a captivating and rare variety of quartz that has captured the hearts and minds of collectors, gemologists, and enthusiasts alike. This extraordinary stone is characterized by ...

Golden Healer Quartz Meaning and Properties

Golden Healer Quartz Meaning and Properties

Golden Healer Quartz, also known as Yellow Hematoid Quartz, is a breathtaking variety of quartz that exhibits a beautiful golden-yellow color. The unique hue is the result of iron oxide inclusions, ...

Golden Apple Aura Quartz Meaning and Properties

Golden Apple Aura Quartz Meaning and Properties

Picture yourself holding a piece of the sun's last light, captured and cooled into a tangible form. That's the magic of Golden Apple Aura Quartz. Its mesmerizing pale apple yellow/green base, kissed ...

Dream Quartz Meaning and Properties

Dream Quartz is a captivating and rare form of Quartz crystal that is highly sought after by collectors and enthusiasts alike. Its enchanting appearance, characterized by inclusions of Epidote, sets ...

Clear Quartz Meaning and Properties

To comprehend clear quartz is to understand the profound mysteries of Earth's crust. This resilient mineral, with its own intricate design, speaks to the remarkable dynamism of our planet's ...

Brandberg Quartz Meaning and Properties

Brandberg Quartz Meaning and Properties

Imagine a gemstone so unique and captivating that it appears to contain entire worlds within its depths. A crystal so magnificent, it ignites the imagination and kindles a deep sense of wonder. ...

Quantum Quattro Meaning and Properties

Quantum Quattro Silica is a rare and beautiful combination of copper oxide minerals crystallizing over Quartz. The four main components are Malachite, Chrysocolla, Shattuckite, and Quartz, but ...

Amphibole Quartz Meaning and Properties

Amphibole Quartz, often referred to as Angel Phantom Quartz, is a fascinating and rare variety of quartz that captivates collectors, crystal enthusiasts, and gemologists alike. This captivating ...

Prairie Tanzanite Meaning and Properties

Prairie Tanzanite is a recently discovered combination stone from Wyoming, USA It is a mixture of Zoisites within a matrix of possibly a form of nephrite Jade The stone features a mottled ...

Pinolite Meaning and Properties

Pinolite Meaning and Properties

Pinolite is a rare stone, also known as Pinolith, Pinolithstein, or Märbelstein. It forms from Howlite, Dolomite, and Graphite. First discovered in 1873 in Austria, it was later found in ...

Piemontite Meaning and Properties

Piemontite is sometimes wrongly described as a deep red version of another mineral, called epidote, that contains a specific type of manganese Despite its name, most piemontite specimens ...

Phosphosiderite Meaning and Properties

Phosphosiderite Meaning and Properties

Phosphosiderite is not just a gemstone; it's a marvel of nature's artistry. Named for its main components—phosphate and iron—this rare mineral is a tapestry of vibrant colors and profound history. ...

Andean Opal Meaning and Properties

The Andean or Peruvian Opal, named after the Andes Mountains in South America, boasts a diverse palette of colors, including the elusive blue and charming pink. Hailing from the Andes, these ...

Spider Web Obsidian Meaning and Properties

Spider Web Obsidian Meaning and Properties

Spiderweb Obsidian is not just a stone; it's a marvel of nature's artistry. Formed from the rapid cooling of lava, this fascinating gemstone captures the essence of Earth's fiery power. As the lava ...

Pink Lazurine Meaning and Properties

Pink Lazurine Meaning and Properties

Pink Lazurine Meaning A Name as Unique as Its Hue Imagine a stone that captures the essence of early dawn, with hues that dance between the softest pinks and the boldest blues. That's Pink ...

Orange Kyanite Meaning and Properties

Orange Kyanite Meaning and Properties

Sparkling under the sun, the Orange Kyanite captures hearts with its captivating, golden orange hues. What's unique about this gem is not only its enchanting color but also the story behind its ...

Emoche ᛜ Gemstones & Jewelry