
Honey Calcite Meaning and Properties

Honey Calcite, also known as Golden Calcite or Amber Calcite, is a stunning, translucent variety of the mineral calcite, characterized by its warm, golden-yellow hue. This unique color is derived ...

Green Calcite Meaning and Properties

Green Calcite is a fascinating calcium carbonate mineral that boasts a vibrant and mesmerizing green hue. This captivating gemstone is not only a beautiful addition to any crystal enthusiast's ...

Elestial Calcite Meaning and Properties

Unravel the secrets of Elestial Calcite, a mesmerizing gemstone that has captivated the hearts of metaphysical enthusiasts and gem collectors alike. Explore its enchanting appearance, fascinating ...

Brookite Meaning and Properties

Brookite is a metallic gemstone that captivates with its unique charm and rich, earthy tones. Commonly found in shades of reddish-brown or yellowish-brown, this mineral stands out in the world of ...

Angel Wing Anhydrite Meaning and Properties

Welcome to a journey through the layers of the Earth and the realms of the spirit with the enchanting Angel Wing Anhydrite. This celestial stone isn't just a feast for the eyes; it's a balm for the ...

Angelite Meaning and Properties

In 1987, a gemstone emerged from the heart of Peru that captivated the world with its serene blue hues and tranquil vibes. Angelite, a stone as celestial as its name, was not just a discovery—it was ...

Angelinite Meaning and Properties

Angelinite Meaning and Properties

If you're anything like me, you're always on the lookout for something new and fascinating to explore in the world of geology. Well, folks, buckle up because I've got something to share with you ...

Amazez Meaning and Properties

Welcome to a world where the ethereal meets the tangible, and the mystical properties of crystals aren't just the stuff of legends. Today, we're diving deep into the heart of Amazez – a gemstone ...

Adularia Meaning and Properties

Adularia, a variety of Orthoclase, is often found in 'Alpine-type' formations and its pseudorhombohedral crystals display a beautiful pearly luster. This gem takes its name from Mount Adula in ...

Green Moonstone Meaning and Properties

Green Moonstone is a fascinating and mystical gemstone that has been revered for centuries. It comprises two feldspar minerals, orthoclase, and albite, which are initially intermingled. As the ...

Blue Moonstone Meaning and Properties

Blue Moonstone History & Overview Blue moonstone, called Cat's eye, is a feldspar made from sodium potassium aluminum silicate. The gemstone's beautiful blue sheen is one of its most ...

Black Moonstone Meaning and Properties

Moonstone is typically a form of feldspar. Black moonstone is a silicate gemstone and is famous for its shimmering effect when moved. This effect is also visible when the source of light moves from ...

Mother of Pearl

The Mother of Pearl is an extremely beautiful mineral that is created by living organisms. Mother of Pearls are considered an organic mineral and created by mollusks, either oysters or abalones. ...


Marcasite - Colors, Sizes, and Shapes Marcasite has been known to the world since the beginning of civilization. For instance, the Greeks used it as a talisman and the Chinese mined it quite ...


This banded variety of chalcedony isn't just known for its stunning array of colors; it's a geological wonder formed within the heart of volcanic and metamorphic rocks. Picture this: intricate ...

Emoche ᛜ Gemstones & Jewelry