Number 7

Brandberg Quartz Meaning and Properties

Brandberg Quartz Meaning and Properties

Imagine a gemstone so unique and captivating that it appears to contain entire worlds within its depths. A crystal so magnificent, it ignites the imagination and kindles a deep sense of wonder. ...

Quantum Quattro Meaning and Properties

Quantum Quattro Silica is a rare and beautiful combination of copper oxide minerals crystallizing over Quartz. The four main components are Malachite, Chrysocolla, Shattuckite, and Quartz, but ...

Prairie Tanzanite Meaning and Properties

Prairie Tanzanite is a recently discovered combination stone from Wyoming, USA It is a mixture of Zoisites within a matrix of possibly a form of nephrite Jade The stone features a mottled ...

Violet Flame Opal Meaning and Properties

Violet Flame Opal, also known as Morado Opal, is a mesmerizing variety of opal found in central Mexico. The purple coloration of this opal is due to tiny fluorite inclusions. Despite the ...

Pink Lazurine Meaning and Properties

Pink Lazurine Meaning and Properties

Pink Lazurine Meaning A Name as Unique as Its Hue Imagine a stone that captures the essence of early dawn, with hues that dance between the softest pinks and the boldest blues. That's Pink ...

Australian Kunzite Meaning and Properties

Australian Kunzite Meaning and Properties

Understanding Kunzite Origins and Discovery Let's take a trip back to the early 1900s, a time when the world was buzzing with new discoveries. Picture this: George Frederick Kunz, a gem ...

Kakortokite Meaning and Properties

Kakortokite is a rare, intrusive igneous rock composed of varying amounts of Nepheline syenite, Arfvedsonite, and Eudialyte. Found in outcrops high above Kangerdluarssaq Fjord in far-southern ...

Llanite Meaning and Properties

Llanite Meaning and Properties

Known by the intriguing name Que Sera, Llanite stands out as a porphyritic rhyolite, enchanting all who behold it with its stunning mix of blue quartz and perthitic feldspar. A treasure among ...

Merlinite Meaning and Properties

Imagine a molten brew, deep underground. It's a mix of silicate-rich liquids and manganese oxide, all swirling and bubbling in the intense heat. As time passes and conditions change, this brew ...

Ilvaite Meaning and Properties

Ilvaite Meaning and Properties

Ilvaite is a relatively uncommon, orthorhombic mineral known for its distinctive deep black color. It typically forms in contact metamorphic rocks and skarn ore deposits. The origin of the ...

Fluorite Meaning and Properties

Fluorite, often referred to as "the most colorful mineral in the world," is a vibrant and versatile mineral that has captivated the attention of individuals across various fields, from gem ...

Gaia Stone Meaning and Properties

Welcome to a world where ancient earth magic meets modern healing wisdom. Gaia Stone, often referred to as Green Obsidian, isn't just a crystal; it's a vibrant piece of Earth's spirited history, a ...

Gabbro Meaning and Properties

Gabbro is a coarse-grained, intrusive igneous rock, primarily composed of plagioclase and augite. It is predominantly black or dark green in color. Gabbro is a key component of the Earth's ...

Elestial Calcite Meaning and Properties

Unravel the secrets of Elestial Calcite, a mesmerizing gemstone that has captivated the hearts of metaphysical enthusiasts and gem collectors alike. Explore its enchanting appearance, fascinating ...

Blizzard Stone Meaning and Properties

Blizzard Stone, aka Indigo Gabbro or Mystic Merlinite, displays a unique blizzard-like appearance. It's a type of gabbro, an igneous rock that's found mainly in Madagascar. This beautiful ...

Bixbyite Meaning and Properties

Bixbyite Meaning and Properties

Bixbyite is a manganese iron oxide mineral that forms interestingly shaped, euhedral isometric crystals. Found in a few unique locations worldwide, Bixbyite can be identified by its metallic ...

Snakeskin Agate Meaning and Properties

Imagine a stone that mirrors the mesmerizing patterns of a snake's skin, with a texture and allure that's as unique as it is beautiful. This variety of agate is known for its intriguing botryoidal ...

Moss Agate Meaning and Properties

Moss Agate, a remarkable gemstone, stands out in the world of minerals for its unique beauty and intriguing properties. Unlike typical agate, Moss Agate doesn't feature concentric banding but is ...

Emoche ᛜ Gemstones & Jewelry