
Friendship bracelet

Imagine a small, colorful piece of art, woven by hand, that wraps snugly around your wrist. This isn't just any piece of jewelry; it's a friendship bracelet, a vibrant symbol of connection and ...

Earrings Fashion & History

In many cultures of the world, earrings have traditionally been worn as symbols of cultural or tribal identity, as markers of age, marital status, or rank, or because they are believed to have ...

Coconut Jewelry & Fashion

Make a big and bold statement with this stunning bracelet by Iris Apfel for the “Iris Apfel Collection.” Adding a “wow” accessory to any plain outfit will make you stand out of the ordinary. The ...

Chain Maille, Chainmail or Mesh Jewelry History

Chainmail is also called chain mail or chain maille, (maille), French deriving from the Latin word macula, which means mesh or net). It is defined as the practice of linking rings to create patterns, ...

Art Noveau Jewelry, Fashion and History

The jewelry historian Vivienne Becker considered jewelry to be “the most intense expression of the Art Nouveau movement” and observed that it was the renewed interest in the decorative arts that ...

Jewelry and Fashion in the 1940s

The outbreak of World War II diminished the production of the jewelry industry in Europe. Precious metals such as platinum and gold were almost unobtainable and rationed. Precious stones were also ...

Tibetan Jewelry

Tibetan jewelry is among the most finely crafted in the world today. Tibetan artisans incorporate Buddhist designs in their work. Skilled artisans have utilized the same techniques used for ...

Plastic Jewelry Fashion and History

The word plastic derives from the Greek word meaning to mold or to form. Plastics can be shaped and molded under heat and pressure. There are two kinds of plastics: natural and synthetic, ...

Jewelry Box Buying Guide

How to find a cool jewelry box that fits your style or used as a great gift? Jewelry boxes come in a variety of sizes and styles, all with the goal of storing, protecting, organizing, and ...

Tips about Shopping for Crystal Jewelry

Following are great tips, good ideas, smart advices about how to select a piece of real, fine quality, elaborate and beautiful crystal jewelry that special suited for you. Material No gas or liquid ...

Scorpio birthstones

Dates: October 24 - November 22 Element: Water Ruling planet: Mars, Pluto (a modern ruler of this sign) Symbol: Scorpion Birthstones: Topaz, Opal, Tourmaline, Citrine, Agate, ...

Taking Care of your Silver Jewelry

Silver jewelry, with its lustrous sheen and timeless elegance, holds a special place in the hearts of many. Whether it's a cherished family heirloom or a trendy new purchase, taking proper care of ...

Taurus birthstones

Dates: April 21 - May 21 Element: Earth Ruling planet: Venus Symbol: Bull Birthstones: Emerald, Diamond, Sapphire, Malachite, Clear Quartz, Rose Quartz Meet the Taurus: A ...

Virgo Birthstones

Dates: August 24 - September 23 Element: Earth Ruling planet: Mercury Symbol: Virgin Birthstones: Blue Sapphire, Garnet, Spinel, Sardonyx, Peridot, Lapis Lazuli Picture your ...

Sagittarius birthstones

Dates: November 23 - December 21 Element: Fire Ruling planet: Jupiter Symbol: The Archer Birthstones: Tanzanite, Turquoise, Zircon, Citrine, Pearl, Topaz Hey there, ...

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