Third Eye

Orange Sodalite Meaning and Properties

Identifying Orange Sodalite Typically, orange sodalite is identified by a strong orange fluorescence and a deep blue color. There are times the stone will showcase a violet tint. The ...

Blue Sodalite Meaning and Properties

Gems and crystals are natural hubs of energy forged in the hot, fiery furnace of the Earth's mantle. Exposure to this powerful energy allows these gems to act as energy hubs. Each Crystal radiates ...

Peacock Ore Meaning and Properties

Bornite is a unique colorful gem with interesting facts, mineralogy, and properties. Bornite is also known as Peacock Ore. Below is an outline of Peacock Ore's history, mineralogy, and properties, ...

Blue Goldstone Meaning and Properties

Known by many names, such as Aventurine glass, blue goldstone is a beautiful stone with a glittery appearance and rare properties. Also known as the stone of ambition, blue goldstone is believed to ...

Blue Agate Meaning and Properties

Blue Agate is a captivating variety of chalcedony, formed through complex geological processes over millions of years. Its unique banding and coloration are the results of mineral impurities ...

Black Moonstone Meaning and Properties

Moonstone is typically a form of feldspar. Black moonstone is a silicate gemstone and is famous for its shimmering effect when moved. This effect is also visible when the source of light moves from ...

Purple Amethyst Meaning and Properties

Purple Amethyst is a gorgeous stone that comes from the quartz family. It's well known for the beautiful shades of purple colors. This stone is considered to be a healing stone that gives ...

Botswana Agate Meaning and Properties

Botswana agate is a powerful yet scarce stone that comes with a unique energy. People have been using this stone for the longest time as it is said to bring balance into the wearer's life. This ...

Ethiopian Opal Meaning and Properties

Ethiopian Opal has been a favorite among gem sellers and gem lovers for years. This is perhaps due to its rarity and ridiculously lower prices than Australian opals and other select gemstones. Such ...

Boulder Opal Meaning and Properties

Boulder Opal History This gemstone was first discovered in 1869 in Blackall town in central Queensland, Australia. while there were several discoveries in the 1870s, boulder opal was only ...

Lapis lazuli

Lapis Lazuli, a stunning celestial deep blue stone, has captivated humanity for millennia with its intense color and intriguing composition. This semi-precious stone, comprising deep blue ...


Dive into the world of Celestite, a mineral as enchanting as the night sky. Also known by its alternate name, Celestine, this common strontium sulfate mineral is not just any rock; it's a natural ...


Nestled in the vibrant hues of pink to purple, Stichtite is more than a pretty face in the mineral kingdom; it's a beacon of comfort, protection, and emotional healing. Imagine holding a piece of ...


Seraphinite, a gemstone shrouded in celestial mystery, stands out in the mineral world with its deep forest green hues and mesmerizing silvery patterns. Often referred to as green chlorite, this ...

Mystic Topaz

Mystic Topaz is a relatively new gem, first seen in 1998, known for its unique rainbow color effect. This gemstone is not a type on its own but is an enhanced or treated colorless topaz. The ...

Mother of Pearl

The Mother of Pearl is an extremely beautiful mineral that is created by living organisms. Mother of Pearls are considered an organic mineral and created by mollusks, either oysters or abalones. ...


Iolite, a captivating magnesium aluminum silicate mineral, exhibits a mesmerizing deep blue/violet coloration, earning it the nickname "Water Sapphire." This gem, also known as Cordierite in ...

Emoche ᛜ Gemstones & Jewelry