
Rainbow Fluorite

Fluorite, a.k.a. fluorspar, is a halide mineral famous for its vivid color spectrum. Fluorite's stunning colors are due to impurities and radiation exposure. Crystal habits tell the story of ...

Blue Fluorite

Fluorite, especially blue fluorite, is valued for its mesmerizing colors and remarkable physical and chemical properties. The coloration of fluorite results from impurities and radiation ...

Green Fluorite

Green Fluorite, a captivating variant of the mineral Fluorite, forms through fascinating geological processes involving impurities and radiation exposure. The cube and the octahedron are the ...

Violan Meaning and Properties

Violan Meaning and Properties

Welcome to the radiant world of Violane, a gemstone that's as enchanting as it is unique. This manganese-rich variety of diopside is not just another mineral; it's a masterpiece of nature that ...

Septarian Meaning and Properties

Welcome to the fascinating world of Septarian, a gemstone like no other! Imagine owning a piece of natural art so unique that no two specimens are identical. That's the allure of Septarian, an ...

Muscovite, Mica

Muscovite, most commonly known as Muscovy Glass, boasts a unique formation story, and a rich historical context that's just as fascinating. Its versatility spans from the most mundane household ...

Lemurian Jade Meaning and Properties

Welcome to the fascinating world of Lemurian Jade! This gemstone has captivated the hearts of many with its striking black hue, often speckled with golden Pyrite inclusions. This makes Lemurian Jade ...

Green Jade Meaning and Properties

Green Jade, a gemstone rich in history and lore, stands as a testament to the intertwining of nature's artistry with human culture. Revered across civilizations, Jade's alluring beauty and mystical ...

Hemimorphite Meaning and Properties

Imagine a mineral that dances with colors ranging from the purest whites to the deepest blues, each piece telling its own unique story. Hemimorphite isn't just another pretty face in the mineral ...

Healerite Meaning and Properties

Healerite Meaning and Properties

Let's embark on a journey, a journey that takes us deep into the heart of the Earth, where the vibrant lime-green mineral known as Healerite is born. Imagine the immense pressure, the intense heat, ...

Fluorite Meaning and Properties

Fluorite, often referred to as "the most colorful mineral in the world," is a vibrant and versatile mineral that has captivated the attention of individuals across various fields, from gem ...

Gaspeite Meaning and Properties

Gaspeite Meaning and Properties

Imagine stumbling upon a hidden treasure, a gem so rare and vibrant that it seems to capture the very essence of nature's beauty. That's gaspeite for you! Discovered on the picturesque Gaspe ...

Angelinite Meaning and Properties

Angelinite Meaning and Properties

If you're anything like me, you're always on the lookout for something new and fascinating to explore in the world of geology. Well, folks, buckle up because I've got something to share with you ...

Blue Jade Meaning and Properties

People have long believed that crystals and gemstones possess powerful energies necessary for physical and emotional healing. Some crystals are believed to harness the toxic powers of a person and ...

Pink Jade Meaning and Properties

Rose quartz is slowly becoming everyone's favorite today. The stone is seamlessly infused into personal care and beauty products, jewelry, water bottles, and even facial rollers. However, even as ...

Orange Jade Meaning and Properties

Orange jade is a magnificent gemstone full of positive and radiant energy. From the moment you lay your hands on the stone, you will notice it is a wonder and a beauty to behold. This guide ...

Red Jade Meaning and Properties

Over a long time, some people believed that gemstones and crystals have powerful energies essential for emotional and physical healing. Different crystals are believed to have and harness a person's ...

Brown Jade Meaning and Properties

Brown jade is technically a chi stone. It gives the user a warrior's energy. The stone gives you individual will and power and casts out all the doubts, fears, and worries that may be holding you ...

Emoche ᛜ Gemstones & Jewelry