Number 4

Orange Sodalite Meaning and Properties

Identifying Orange Sodalite Typically, orange sodalite is identified by a strong orange fluorescence and a deep blue color. There are times the stone will showcase a violet tint. The ...

Red Sodalite Meaning and Properties

How does sodalite become red? It is prudent to understand that sodalite does not turn red, but it is hackmanite that turns red in various circumstances. Hackmanite is a sodalite variation and ...

Pink Sodalite Meaning and Properties

If you’ve ever heard of sodalite, you probably know it is a rare blue crystal used as a gem. But, did you know about pink sodalite? Yes, there is pink sodalite, and maybe you should take some ...

Green Sodalite Meaning and Properties

Science and Origin of Green Sodalite Sodalite is a collection of minerals classified under the feldspathoid group. Sodalite first appeared in Greenland, where the Europeans discovered it in ...

Blue Sodalite Meaning and Properties

Gems and crystals are natural hubs of energy forged in the hot, fiery furnace of the Earth's mantle. Exposure to this powerful energy allows these gems to act as energy hubs. Each Crystal radiates ...

Druzy Agate Meaning and Properties

What is Druzy, and How Does it Form? Druzy is also known as druse or drusy, and it refers to a mass of tiny crystals joined together. These crystal clusters could be a collection of ...

Black Moonstone Meaning and Properties

Moonstone is typically a form of feldspar. Black moonstone is a silicate gemstone and is famous for its shimmering effect when moved. This effect is also visible when the source of light moves from ...


Rhodochrosite: a name that resonates with the beauty and rarity of one of nature's most captivating creations. This manganese carbonate mineral, with its stunning spectrum ranging from light pink to ...


Danburite, a striking mineral, is known for its unique combination of beauty and strength. It is a calcium boron silicate mineral, with a distinct chemical formula of CaB2(SiO4)2. Discovered in 1839 ...

Mystic Topaz

Mystic Topaz is a relatively new gem, first seen in 1998, known for its unique rainbow color effect. This gemstone is not a type on its own but is an enhanced or treated colorless topaz. The ...


Ametrine, a spellbinding variety of quartz, also known by the intriguing names of trystine and bolivianite, captivates with its unique blend of amethyst and citrine. This natural marvel showcases a ...

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